Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Taser Gun - Women’s Preferred Self Defense Weapon

Women always struggle to find a thing that satisfies their needs. This is why they take more time while purchasing things. 

The story is similar when they look for self defense weapons. They take a lot of time before finally getting their hands on their desired weapon. 

It is interesting that women have found taser gun as their most preferable self defense weapon. 

Women tend to prefer small sized weapons that are non lethal and don’t inflict severe injuries. Moreover, they don’t like dangerous weapons and seem like they are reluctant to use them. 

They find taser gun as fulfilling their demands. Following are the demands that this weapon fulfills and urges women to prefer it for self defense. 

An Easy Fit in Their Purse

The reason why women prefer taser gun is because it is small enough to fit into their purses. Women always have purses around their shoulders in which they carry their cosmetics and weapons. 

So, taser is a small device which can be carried in a purse. It is extremely small that it fits into it. Also, they can carry it in their pockets because it fits into the pocket as well. 

An Easy Use

Women also prefer taser gun because it is very easy to use. There are two types of electroshock devices, taser and stun gun. 

Both are pretty easy to use and both deliver a powerful electrical shock. If you are using a taser, it is like using a pistol. Pull the trigger and deliver the shock. 

If you are using stun gun, just touch the prongs on the device to the body of the attacker. This is enough to deliver an electrical shock. 

So, the ease of use makes it preferable among women. 

No Lethal Damage

Women never feel comfortable while using lethal weapons. They never like to inflict long term injuries. 

Rather, they just want to get out of the situation surviving the attack and not injuring the attacker. 

Taser gun only delivers a powerful shock and immobilize the attacker for quite some time. No severe injury is caused. 

Quickly Get Rid of the Attackers

Taser gun allows women to quickly get rid of the attackers. As an electrical shock is delivered to the attacker, he is immobilized for a reasonable time period. 

Meanwhile, they can run away before he gets back on his feet. So, these are the reasons why women prefer taser gun over other weapons.

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